New Chapter of Shadows: The Muse

So, here’s part nine of the story.  We’re almost to the end and I wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this story and especially all of you who have taken the time to comment.  I really appreciate the encouragement.

Thanks again to the keen eyes of Kristy Todd and Toni Cox, my betas and editors for this story. It wouldn’t have been possible without them.

I hope you enjoy finally hearing from Sam.  I gave her a nice, fat chapter.  Let’s see what she has to say.

Part Nine: The Muse

Thanks for reading,


New Chapter posted: The Genius

A new chapter of my contemporary art romance, Tracing Shadows, is up on the blog.  We’re finally hearing from the photographer this week! Check it out if you’re a lover of art, romance, or tattoos. (There’s some tattoo action.)

Part Eight: The Genius

Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading,


The Birth of a Character Name

There are a lot of ways to name fictional characters.  I know some writers who have names just “come” to them or choose a name because it feels right.  Some are named after real life people, or versions of them.  Other character names are chosen because of their meaning or historical significance.  Whatever the reason (and I’ve named characters for every reason listed above) it’s never been random.

A friend recently pointed out to me that the character of “Kate” in Tracing Shadows is the same age as a mutual friend of the same name.  Now, there’s nothing about the character that’s similar except the age and name; but I realized, it made me feel a little uncomfortable, and I hoped that my friend didn’t think it had been deliberate. (Well, it was deliberate, as you’ll read, but not for any reasons relating to her.)

I started mentally reviewing all the reasons I had chosen to name that character “Kate” and in the end, the convoluted process made me laugh so much, I thought I’d share. Continue reading “The Birth of a Character Name”

New Chapter of Tracing Shadows: The Agent


All my work keeps going like a pendulum: it seems to swing back to something I was involved with earlier, or it moves between horizontality and verticality, circularity, or a composite of them.  For me, I suppose, that change is the only constant.

—Lee Krasner

I kind of liked posting on Thursday last week, so I think I’ll keep doing that.

Here’s the next chapter of Tracing Shadows.  Just so you know, this story is short.  There are ten parts along with the introduction and an epilogue, so it’s over half-way done.  This is part of why I’m publishing independently.  This story is half-way between a novella and a novel, but it’s exactly as much as it needs to be.  I’m not willing to add junk, or leave out stuff it needs to make it meet certain expectations.

Hope you enjoy Part Seven: The Agent.

Thanks for reading,


Early chapter of Tracing Shadows!

Hey folks! I’m taking some time off this weekend, so I thought I’d go ahead and post this chapter of Tracing Shadows a little early.

Part Six: The Potter

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thanks my editing/beta team for all their help with this story. Particularly Kristy Todd and Toni Cox, who have been instrumental in getting this story ready for the reading public.  Kristy has been reading and editing for me since I started writing, and Toni has lent her editing skills and artistic expertise to help make me sound like slightly less of a dilettante. Thank you both so much, ladies!

Thanks for reading,


New Chapter of Tracing Shadows: The Assistant

Thanks to everyone who checked out the first chapter of my book yesterday!  I appreciate all the page views and comments.

Here’s Part Five of Tracing Shadows: The Assistant.

Have a great weekend!


New Chapter of Tracing Shadows

Hey folks! Happy Friday. I know I’m ready.

A new chapter of Tracing Shadows is up, and then I’ll be taking next week off blogging to spend some time finishing the first draft of Elements book two.  I’ll still post the next chapter of Shadows on Friday, but other than that, I’ll be giving all of us some time off from my rambling. I’ll probably be hanging around on twitter if you want to catch me.

Enjoy Part Four: The Painter!

Thanks for reading, E

Friday Fiction: New Tracing Shadows and a Winner!

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you all had a great week. I’ve posted new Friday Fiction, and we have a contest winner!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my blog this past week. I enjoyed reading your comments and I’d like to congratulate reader, Cindy, on her win of The Vampire Relationship Guide, Volume One: Meeting and Mating! Thanks to all who commented. I think I’ll definitely have to do more contests in the future. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Also, for all you Tracing Shadows fans out there (and G&M fans, as well) Part Three: The Sculptor is up on the blog! I’m dying to know what you all think, so let me know.

Hope you have a great weekend and keep commenting! I love to hear what you guys think, what you’re up to, and what you’ve got going on, too. I’ll have a writing update on Monday for all of you and let you know some pretty exciting news about the second Elemental Mystery!

Thanks for reading,


New chapter of Shadows and a give-away!

I just posted a new chapter of Tracing Shadows late last night, so check out Part Two: The Photographer. Things in Kate’s world are certainly getting more complicated.

I’m also running a give-away this week! For the next week, every comment you make on my blog enters you to win a free copy of Evelyn LaFont’s The Vampire Relationship Guide, Vol. 1! It’s a fun and witty book that “takes a satirical look at what could happen if a clueless human chick really dated a vampire.”

From her website:

“Josie wants what she’s never been able to have—sex with a vampire. When she receives an invitation to a party thrown by one of the world’s richest vamps, she doesn’t stop to question her luck; she just jumps into her favorite stilettos and heads out to the event of a lifetime, secretly hoping that she’ll come home with a party favor in the shape of a sexy coffin dweller.

But the great undead, much to Josie’s chagrin, aren’t just pale sexbots with pointy teeth waiting to satisfy her carnal desires—they are dangerous…and sometimes cranky. With a single-minded focus on fulfilling her sole sexual longing, Josie unwittingly entrenches herself in the twisted and sometimes antagonistic world of vampire relationships with no one to guide her, but herself.”

So if you’re looking for a fun summer read with romance and a lot of laughs, check out Evelyn’s book on Amazon, B&N, and all the usual outlets. And remember, for every comment you make on my blog for the next week, your name will be entered in my very scientific coffee can drawing system. More comments, more entries!

Have a great weekend!